Friday, November 26, 2010

Epiplatys Dageti

A Degati pair, male (Larger, more colour and larger fins. Behind) and female (Smaller, less colour. Front) Picture from A very informative and enthusiastic Killi blog.

Epiplatys Dageti, also known as a "Red-chinned Panchax" is a Killie Fish. Strong colouration along fins with banding makes this fish very attractive for the average aquarium.

~7cm (2.8")
A standard 60L tank will be fine, 60x30x30 (2"x1"x1")
Smaller tanks should be fine, just restrict the number of Killies allowed, or fish in general. Needs a close lid as they may jump out.

Dageti are predatory fish, so anything that's slow moving or with long flowing fins may suffer with them. Stick to similar sized fast moving fish such as Danios and Tetras. Gouramis(Anabantoids) will be fine, as well as most bottom dwelling fish. Dwarf Cichlids too.

Males are larger with more colouration on finnage. Females may lose their barring as get older.

Dagetis aren't fussy, most foods will go down fine.

Water quality:
PH of 6-7, 6.5 is recommended.
Tropical, 21-25°C, so they can handle cooler temperature for those in more temperate areas, but preferably at 23-24.

Breeding in somewhat pairs, several males can be with each female.
It's reccomended to have rocks and floating plants as they will establish a territory, and the male will defend it. Killie fish are quite prolific due to their short-ish life span, so they should lay egg (Egg scatterers) every 12 hours or so for the next few weeks. Once eggs are visable remove them as the parents/tankmates may eat them.

Special requirements:
Tight closed lid as they may jump.
Plants for them to hide in when stressed (Surface floating, such as Ludwigia, Java Moss, Water Wysteria or any other surface reaching / bushy plants).

Monday, September 6, 2010


Introduction / description

Size of fish
Good size tank

Fish they can go with

Differences between males/females.

Special food?

Water quality:

Requirements? (Rocks ect)
pairs, hareems.

Special requirements:
Anything unusual